Unlock your Authentic Voice to Confidently Share Your Story with Purpose.


Learn to share your story and create authentic content with an entire community supporting you

Learn the techniques of good storytelling and a mindful relationship with social media :

  • Gain clarity on how your story can impact others with purpose.
  • Understanding the power of your voice.
  • Build a business around your talents and passions
  • Sharing your story can help you build an online community.
  • Make a living using social media to find customers 



During the Challenge you will learn:  

Knowing Your Why

Until you know why you are going to use something, don't use it.

  • Casting A Vision for your why will help you focus and fight through your doubts and fears
  • Setting Your Intentions will help you gain clarity on how and when to use these apps

The gear and equipment you need

Helping you understand the best equipment to use and get started with.

  • Learning the importance of audio and sounds
  • Being vulnerable on camera
  • The best tips and techniques for speaking on stage or on camera


How to Craft your Story

The art of storytelling is human-most desired connection we have with each other.

  • The different types of storytelling + Content
  • How to diversify your message and audience
  • Being vulnerable on camera

You’ll finish this lesson ready to craft and share your stories better.

 The Secret To Talking on Camera

For many, the goal is to find like-hearted friends and followers to authentically connect with in life and online

  • How to find your desired audience
  • How to craft the message for your audience
  • The best platforms for your style of content

You’ll finish this course with a good idea of your next best steps

 Turning Your Purpose into Profit

  • How to drive people towards a group program or course
  • How to sell products you're passionate about

This will be helpful if you desire to build a business with your content.

VIP Social Media Audit

I will personally look at your social media pages, content, and personal brand and give you direct feedback, ideas, and strategies to help better communicate your story and brand.

  • Live Group Q + A 
  • Social Media Audit 
  • Personalized feedback



This Challenge Is For You If...

  • You've been afraid to share online
  • You aren’t sure if you can even make money online
  • You don’t have an idea of how to build an online community/following
  • You dream of living a more authentic life
  • You want to show up to social media and life with more confidence and purpose

Why this challenge is so important to me?

Because the people's lives you are going to impact...

For the last 16 years, I've been able to travel the world helping others, build an international community of friends, live out my passion, and empower people in their purpose.

And social media has played the biggest role in making this possible. I've raised over $100k for charities, made over $100K with online businesses, reached millions with my story and message, and created the most incredible community of leaders and difference-makers.

With a simple shift in your mindset and some smart practices and approach to social media, you could start creating a beautiful story.

How this challenge has helped others:

"BC helped me understand how to figure out who I'm talking to online and how to speak with authority and clarity!"
- Whitney Handcock
"Learning how to get out of my way and speak from the heart on social media led me to host my first online poetry workshop."
- Isaac Matthews

“Going through BC’s program helped me step into a new level of confidence to share my authentic voice on camera”

- Naushad Godrej

Creating Content with Confidence Challenge


  • (5) Daily LIVE Group Coaching Calls with BC
  • A community supporting your content
  • Lifetime access to our Pursuing Purpose SKOOL Community
  • Chances to win tech gear giveaways (tripods/lights/mics etc). 
Join Now


  • (5) Daily LIVE Q&A calls for you to get direct feedback & a social media audit from BC on your content
  • (5) Daily LIVE Group Coaching Calls with BC
  • A community supporting your content
  • Lifetime access to our Pursuing Purpose SKOOL Community
  • Chance to win tech gear giveaways (tripods/lights)
Join VIP

What I've been able to build because of being able to share my story on social media...

I launched Pursuing Purpose on my 30th birthday and had no idea what it could become or do and dozens of masterminds, retreats, and course later in the last 5 years have been nothing sort of a miracle.